This has been so hard, and it would be even harder without the people in my life who love me. Luckily I have things to help guide me.. Scriptures, prayer, parents, family, and the love of my life. Especially the love of my life. Without him I would be completely lost. He is my saving grace. He always amazes me. The patience and love he shows towards me has made me appreciate him more and more. I can honestly say that my love continues to grow for him each and every single day.

"No,life aint always beautiful
Tears will fall sometimes
Life aint always beautiful
But it's a beautiful ride"
I have only been focusing on the ugly things in life instead of laughing and enjoying the ride. I need to remember to appreciate the little things, and find joy in the things that are simple. I know this is all over the place and it might not even make sense to you. I think it will help me though.