We all make assumptions. It's a normal thing, and we do it all the time. We do it when we read books, when we see people walking down the streets, in classes, at church, at home. Everywhere we go, everyone we see. We are bound to assume things, but I don't think that is wrong. The wrong thing in my eyes is spreading what you assume. Especially if it is harsh to the other persons reputation. The fact is all we know about people is what's on the outside.
"A 15 year old girl holds her 1 year old son. People call her a slut. No one knows she was raped at 13. People call a girl fat. No one knows she has a serious disease which causes her to be overweight. People call an old man ugly. No one knows he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country during the vietnam war."
You don't know what anyone is going through. How could you possibly know unless you have heard straight from there own lips. You can't believe gossip cause anyone can make that up. You can't believe what you see, because looks can be decieveing.You never know what anyones going through. Even if you do know the story you have no way of knowing how they felt, you never know what they experienced until you go through it yourself.
Recently I read a childrens book called Mr. Peabody's apples" and it really taught me a lot. The story is about a man who lived in a small town. He was a teacher and a baseball coach and everyone loves him. One day a boy see's him take an apple from a fruit stand, and walk away with out paying. Well it spreads and pretty soon the whole town knows. Well Mr. Peabody finds out through a small boy named Billy who has always looked up to him. Mr. Peabody takes Billy to the fruit stand to talk to the owner, and Billy learns that Mr. Peabody pays for his apples in advance. Billy runs off to tell the boy who stated the rumor. That boys name was Tim. Tim the rushes over to Mr. Peabody's to apologize. When Tim gets there Mr. Peabody tells him to meet him at the field with a pillow. When they get there Mr. Peabody cuts open the pillow and has Tim shake out all the feathers. Tim asks "that's all I have to do for your forgiveness?" Mr. Peabody says "no. Now pick them all up." Mr. Peabody then explains that the feathers are like the people who have heard that rumor and it is nearly impossible to clean up the mess. Mr. Peabody says "next time don't be so quick to judge someone and remember the power of your words."
Our words are strong and what we say can spread faster then a wild fire. Part of a quote I love is
" For attractive lips,
Speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes,
Seek out the good in people."-Audrey Hepburn
In my opinion there is always good in people, you just have to be willing to find it. Also don't spread things. Even if you know for a fact it's true. It's not your place to tell. If you make an assumption ask the person, because things aren't always what they seem.
"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.” ― Gordon B. Hinckley
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
trust - the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others
"It takes years years to build, and a few seconds to destroy"
Trusting, and being trusted. It happens to all of us we all trust in someone, and maybe we are all trusted by atleast someone.. But trust can hurt. You can be the one being hurt or the one doing the hurting. And I'm sure well all of done both of those too. Sometimes it's by mistake, and maybe even sometimes on purpose, but no matter what it's still wrong. Like Bob Marley said
"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."
In my life I have found a handful of people worth suffering for. My family. The fact is they have hurt me, and I have hurt them. But your family is always gonna love you no matter what, and your gonna love them. Your family is the one's who will unintentionally hurt you. It's your friends you've gotta watch out for. In high school many kids live off drama. It's the fuel that keeps them going and it's sickening. I'm not saying that I've never done this because I have. I've listened too it and participated in it, and it's not right. It hurts everyone and including yourself. We have all learned that it's wrong to judge people, and in reality none of us want to be judged either. Have you ever noticed that the people who no one judges are the ones not judging anyone else?? I have, and I am often jealous of them. We need to learn to just do our own thing. Dress how we want, act how we want, do what we want, and not care what other people think. We have to learn to rely on ourselves and realize that we don't need to share our secrets, we can but we can also deal with it on our own. We need to learn that if someone trust you with a secret... Keep it that way. It is not something you should be sharing because it's not yours to share. If that person wants others to know, they will tell them. But it can be hard to keep a secret, it's how most of us our. We can't keep things inside we have an itch to tell someone, but we have to learn to control that sensation to scratch! Often times we trade gossip for popularity, but to me it's not worth it. I don't want to be known as the girl with all the dirt, I want to be that girl that anyone can come to for anything. Someone reliable for other people that they know there secret is safe with. I wanna be someone who is there when you need a friend. I don't want to fall in the horrible lies of gossip (including spreading or listening.) I wanna be a sweet girl, one you will want to confide and trust in. I want to say sorry when it is necessary, and always forgive. When I look back on my life from this point on I don't want there to be any regrets. I want to take a risk and trust, and I want to be trusted.
"It takes years years to build, and a few seconds to destroy"
Trusting, and being trusted. It happens to all of us we all trust in someone, and maybe we are all trusted by atleast someone.. But trust can hurt. You can be the one being hurt or the one doing the hurting. And I'm sure well all of done both of those too. Sometimes it's by mistake, and maybe even sometimes on purpose, but no matter what it's still wrong. Like Bob Marley said
"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."
In my life I have found a handful of people worth suffering for. My family. The fact is they have hurt me, and I have hurt them. But your family is always gonna love you no matter what, and your gonna love them. Your family is the one's who will unintentionally hurt you. It's your friends you've gotta watch out for. In high school many kids live off drama. It's the fuel that keeps them going and it's sickening. I'm not saying that I've never done this because I have. I've listened too it and participated in it, and it's not right. It hurts everyone and including yourself. We have all learned that it's wrong to judge people, and in reality none of us want to be judged either. Have you ever noticed that the people who no one judges are the ones not judging anyone else?? I have, and I am often jealous of them. We need to learn to just do our own thing. Dress how we want, act how we want, do what we want, and not care what other people think. We have to learn to rely on ourselves and realize that we don't need to share our secrets, we can but we can also deal with it on our own. We need to learn that if someone trust you with a secret... Keep it that way. It is not something you should be sharing because it's not yours to share. If that person wants others to know, they will tell them. But it can be hard to keep a secret, it's how most of us our. We can't keep things inside we have an itch to tell someone, but we have to learn to control that sensation to scratch! Often times we trade gossip for popularity, but to me it's not worth it. I don't want to be known as the girl with all the dirt, I want to be that girl that anyone can come to for anything. Someone reliable for other people that they know there secret is safe with. I wanna be someone who is there when you need a friend. I don't want to fall in the horrible lies of gossip (including spreading or listening.) I wanna be a sweet girl, one you will want to confide and trust in. I want to say sorry when it is necessary, and always forgive. When I look back on my life from this point on I don't want there to be any regrets. I want to take a risk and trust, and I want to be trusted.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
The Few. The Proud. The Marines.
"From the halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli, we fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea. First to fight for right and freedom, And too keep our honor clean, We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine."
My friend/older brother, is leaving for the USMC (United States Marine Corps). I am really going to miss him and his great advice.
Being apart of the marines is an honorable thing. If you join you are serving and protecting this country. There are also some good benefits that come from being a marine, but it is also a scary thought. You are laying your life on the line for other people, you never know what will happen to you, or what will happen standing right next to you. I was reading through a book, its about life as a marine... I few qoutes i liked from this book are
"After surviving a walk through fire, there is little else that can burn."
"In these hands, i have found the courage i need. And they will clear my way, NO MATTER WHERE I GO."
"The change is complete. We who camee to the United States Marine Corps in search of self have replaced confusion with meaning. All that was torn is whole again. We stand in formation as warriors proud and loyal. From here, we go with purpose. And we go as family. We have not yet reached a destination, but we have chosen a path, and that is the start. We have proven to ourselves that we can do more than any of us thought possible, and we know this is our tiem to change the world. This is our time to change the world. This is our Marine Corps. This is our calling. In shining moment, everything is possible, yet nothing is written. Prehaps that is the most exicting thing of all."
Soon Austin will be leaving for boot camp, boot camp last for 13 weeks. The 1st-4th week he will be learning about honor, courage, and commitment. The 5th-9th week recruits work on there combat skills, and Markman ship training. The 10th-13th week recruits combat and have basic warrior training. They also endure something called the crucible. Which i believe is the tests of all tests. It is a 54 hour test of endurance, and hash obsitcles. If that task is completed then he will atttend the Eagle, Globe and Anchor ceremony. He will return home for 10 well deserved days, and who knows what will happen form there.
Something it also says in the book is "If your young person is strong eenough to even consider such a noble path, you can already be proud" and i am proud of him..
For as long as our nation has stood, it has been the United States Marine Corps that has served as its sharpened spear. And from the moment brave souls first donned the Marine blue, there has been a simple oath: These few would stand side by side, no matter whatt. And we have. Together, we have moved mountain. Defended our nation. And when necessary defeneded our own. For more than two centuries now, a simple proies of unconditional togetherness ahs bonded those who seek a pure and noble destiny. the term for it is Semper Fidelis. Taken from the ancient Latin, it means 'Always Faithful.' This is why there are no ex-Marines. Only former Marines. Only warriors who have passed the torch."
Aust thanks for being such a good example to me. Love you like a Brother and I will miss you tons!
My friend/older brother, is leaving for the USMC (United States Marine Corps). I am really going to miss him and his great advice.
Being apart of the marines is an honorable thing. If you join you are serving and protecting this country. There are also some good benefits that come from being a marine, but it is also a scary thought. You are laying your life on the line for other people, you never know what will happen to you, or what will happen standing right next to you. I was reading through a book, its about life as a marine... I few qoutes i liked from this book are
"After surviving a walk through fire, there is little else that can burn."
"In these hands, i have found the courage i need. And they will clear my way, NO MATTER WHERE I GO."
"The change is complete. We who camee to the United States Marine Corps in search of self have replaced confusion with meaning. All that was torn is whole again. We stand in formation as warriors proud and loyal. From here, we go with purpose. And we go as family. We have not yet reached a destination, but we have chosen a path, and that is the start. We have proven to ourselves that we can do more than any of us thought possible, and we know this is our tiem to change the world. This is our time to change the world. This is our Marine Corps. This is our calling. In shining moment, everything is possible, yet nothing is written. Prehaps that is the most exicting thing of all."
Soon Austin will be leaving for boot camp, boot camp last for 13 weeks. The 1st-4th week he will be learning about honor, courage, and commitment. The 5th-9th week recruits work on there combat skills, and Markman ship training. The 10th-13th week recruits combat and have basic warrior training. They also endure something called the crucible. Which i believe is the tests of all tests. It is a 54 hour test of endurance, and hash obsitcles. If that task is completed then he will atttend the Eagle, Globe and Anchor ceremony. He will return home for 10 well deserved days, and who knows what will happen form there.
Something it also says in the book is "If your young person is strong eenough to even consider such a noble path, you can already be proud" and i am proud of him..
For as long as our nation has stood, it has been the United States Marine Corps that has served as its sharpened spear. And from the moment brave souls first donned the Marine blue, there has been a simple oath: These few would stand side by side, no matter whatt. And we have. Together, we have moved mountain. Defended our nation. And when necessary defeneded our own. For more than two centuries now, a simple proies of unconditional togetherness ahs bonded those who seek a pure and noble destiny. the term for it is Semper Fidelis. Taken from the ancient Latin, it means 'Always Faithful.' This is why there are no ex-Marines. Only former Marines. Only warriors who have passed the torch."
Aust thanks for being such a good example to me. Love you like a Brother and I will miss you tons!
We played bigger or better and no one would take our stuff |

Sunday, May 1, 2011
All the little imperfections. . .
I'm not prefect, but neither is anyone else. We all screw up every now and then sometimes it's big, and sometimes it's little. But that doesn't change the fact that we screw up. Sometimes when we mess up we can hurt people we care about. I have done this a countless number of times. I can't take back the things I did but I can sincerely apologize. So if I have ever hurt you in anyway....just know that I am so sorry for what I did and I hope one day you'll find in your heart that you'll be able to forgive me.
Not only have I hurt people, but I've also been on the other side and been hurt before, and it hasn't always been easy to forgive, but it's something required of us by God. So I always try my hardest to do so.
When you forgive someone, you need to forgive them fully. You can't tell them they are forgiven and hold grudges. That will fix nothing. So dont forgive someone until you are ready. Other wise in my eyes it's pointless
Usually the hardest person to forgive is ourselves. Our mistakes are constantly in back of our mind. But that's only a bad thing if we let them bring us down. We all We all make mistakes sometimes but that doesn't make us bad people. It just means that when we fall down we need to get back up and try again no matter how many times we fall. Thats what makes us who we are. How hard we try to fix our mistakes.
We need to learn to look over peoples little imperfections and learn to look at what they have over come and what they are over coming. Trials are what makes each of us stronger, and all of our trials are different. And there is no way that you can possibly understand or feel what someone is going through. We all hurt and we all deal with that hurt a little different then everyone else. Some of us cry, some of us laugh, some of us inflict physical pain because it's easier to deal with then emotional, some of us get up and get physically active. We are all different and that isn't a bad thing.. There is just one thing we all need to do the same.. Forgive and forget, and say sorry when ever it is needed.
Not only have I hurt people, but I've also been on the other side and been hurt before, and it hasn't always been easy to forgive, but it's something required of us by God. So I always try my hardest to do so.
When you forgive someone, you need to forgive them fully. You can't tell them they are forgiven and hold grudges. That will fix nothing. So dont forgive someone until you are ready. Other wise in my eyes it's pointless
Usually the hardest person to forgive is ourselves. Our mistakes are constantly in back of our mind. But that's only a bad thing if we let them bring us down. We all We all make mistakes sometimes but that doesn't make us bad people. It just means that when we fall down we need to get back up and try again no matter how many times we fall. Thats what makes us who we are. How hard we try to fix our mistakes.
We need to learn to look over peoples little imperfections and learn to look at what they have over come and what they are over coming. Trials are what makes each of us stronger, and all of our trials are different. And there is no way that you can possibly understand or feel what someone is going through. We all hurt and we all deal with that hurt a little different then everyone else. Some of us cry, some of us laugh, some of us inflict physical pain because it's easier to deal with then emotional, some of us get up and get physically active. We are all different and that isn't a bad thing.. There is just one thing we all need to do the same.. Forgive and forget, and say sorry when ever it is needed.
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