this weekend my family went camping, and i learned something about myself. i am a very easy girl to please. the smallest things can make me happy. like driving slow on a old dirt road, windows down, and country music playing softly in the background. having my brother teach me how to drive a shift four wheeler, or having him drive me around on the four wheeler scaring the pants off me. going fishing. going hiking. watching the sunrise/suset. a sweet, innocent kiss. sitting by a campfire. looking at the stars. playing with my best friend max. hearing the birds chirp in the morning when i wake up. holding hands with a cute boy. basically what im getting at is heavenly father gives us so many beautiful things that we can enjoy. most

of them are free too. it bugs me(and i know it shouldn't but it does) when people drive fast through canyons. you drive past so many beautiful things and you don't even take the time to look. we need to learn to enjoy the simple things and realize we don't NEED money to have fun. you don't need anything except for yourself. go on a walk and notice all the beauty around you. green leaves on a tree, pretty flowers, blue sky, the list goes on and on. sometimes all we really need to do is slow down. take a few minutes to enjoy things instead of always being in a hurry. life it too short to not realize all the beauty god has placed around you.

life. that is something else i learned alot about this weekend. our neighbors that we went with their dog of 12 years died monday afternoon. i have known this dog for 11 years and feel like he was one of my own. it just seems like he should still be here. he has always been a good dog and it is going to be weird not seeing him around the neighborhood. i feel bad for jim(dad of the neighbor family) buck was his best friend for 12 years): its hard to even lose a best friend you've had for a year, so i can't even imagine 12. the kids were all sad. we made him a grave, and most of us cried. r.i.p buck-a-roo you will be dearly missed. even though i am sad he is gone. it was a good place for him to go. out in the wilderness were he loved so much to be. can't wait till i can see him in heaven again some day. i remember one day mareassa mayo and i were fighting over a stick(lame i know, but we were having fun) when buck came over. we feaked out because we thought it was a bear. i also remember playing fetch with buck(he loved that) and the stick got stuck in the tree and he would not leave that tree till he got that stick out. and he did. he was very determined. something that i should try to be more. keep trying until i get the job done. one reason i was so sad about buckie is because as we laid him to rest, memories flooded my mind of when we buried our dog ridge. unlike buck ridges death was unexpected. he got hit by a car. when i first found out it didn't sink in. not till i got home and he wasn't there wagging his tail when i walked in the door. it killed me to see him go. alot of people may think that's dumb and that he was just a dog. but he meant alot to me. he was the dog that would lick the tears from my face when i cried. i truely believe god sent him into my family to comfort me in my time of need. even if he was only here for a short time. i also believe that ridge dying(and the many dogs we have had before him) helped me or will help me. losing the dogs we have had has taught me how to grieve, which isn't always a bad thing. if we never felt sadness we would never know happiness.
i know this is kind of random and im just rambling. but this is what i learned this weekend and i wanted to share it.
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