Quotes.. They are my LIFE

Monday, August 22, 2011

F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S. hahah

"be fearlesss. if you make only one resolution this year, let it be to live boldly. you control this moment. rather than cautiously test the water, dive straight into life with freeing abandon. imagine the person you want to be and the life you want to live, then simply commit to them. believe in yourself. embrace your beauty. discover a new passion. and whatever you do, wherever you go, don't be afraid to make a splash."

this years gonna be differnt. i have new expectations of myself. this year im not gonna care what people think of me im just gonna have fun. its my senior year and i want to live it fearless. often times when i hear the word fearless i think of someone who isnt scared of anything, but thats not true. becasue no one is fearless, we all have something that we are scared of. what it means to be fearless is to have courage. to do something no matter how scared you may be. courage is just fear holding on for a minute longer. something i have learned is we should always do what we are afraid to do. it could be being adventerous, or standing up for what we believe in but you should always do it. i dont want to look back on my life anymore and regret not doing the things i was too scared to do them.

just the other night thanks to my friend mareassa i did something fearless. something that i always wanted to do but thought i never would. it was a real eye opener to how i want this next year to be. its my senior year(my last year as a kid) i want to have fun. i want to make stupid mistakes. date LOTS of people. make new friends. not judge anyone. laugh way too much. cry all too little. forget about all the drama. realize that nothing really matters that much. years from now were gonna look back on all this drama and realize it was stupid and there was no need for it. well im ready for that now. i dont wanna grow up, but after this year i know im gonna have to. i will have fun and i wont let drama get in the way of that. i wont hate someone just because one of my friends does. ill be nice to everyone becuase there is never a good reason to be mean.
im ready to let go of everything and move forward being fearless. i want to be young and stupid because we only have one lifetime to do so. im ready to take chances. ready to say love me or hate me thats your choice, but i won't let it effect me. im ready to love myself, and every single person around me. im ready to not be so shy. im ready for this year. its going to be the best and i wont let anything get in the way of that. im gonna move forward being fearless.

and i dont know how it gets better then this
you take my hand and drag me head first
and i dont know why but with you id dance in a storm
in my best dress

i think a girl who really understands about being fearlesss is taylor swift. she is one amazing girl. i look up to her so much (as do several other teenage girls) . i love her. so this year i dare you to be daring. i dare you to be yourself, and love everyone regardless of what people think. i dare you to be happy. i dare you to live your life the way you want to.

1 comment:

  1. this is my kind of post from my kind of girl!!!!
    I love this, because I agree with every word.
    Because this is my motto to live by.
    And because Taylor is included in this post.
    Couldn't love it more.
    I'm reblogging this (:
    xoxo. Have a good FEARLESS day at school Laur.
    Wish we were at the same school, being fearless together; but know that I'm a few miles away, thinking of you, and looking up to your example.
