Quotes.. They are my LIFE

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tender Mercies

we are sournded by tender mercies of the lord. they are all around us.
"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverence."
tender mercies are not just coincidence. heavenly father sends them to us at exactly the right tima and exactly the right place. tender mercies are differnt for each of us. a tender mercy is a personaly blessing made individually for us. it is strength to help us through things. or simple reminders that he loves and cares for us. it is a comfort.
well last week during fast and testimony meeting brother don wharton got up and said "are you aware of tender mercies even when it hurts." its true though. when we lose someone we love do we dwell on the loss or the blessing they were to our lives. sometimes it can be hard ot see the positive but heavenly father sends us those tender mercies for a reason. so that when we can barely take anymore that one little thing keeps pushing us forward.
it got me thinking... what are some of my tender mercies.

repenting and being forgiven of sins
a boy i had good memories with who unexpectedly left
my dog who is there whenever i need a friend
driving with the windows down which so easily relieves my stress
friends who are there for me whenever i need a shoulder to cry on
work that takes my mind off things
a family that makes me laugh
the opportunity i have to get an education
going camping and enjoying gods creations around me
getting to know people who came into my life even though they left way too fast
country music that helps me express myself
the dream of one day being a cowgirl

the list goes on and on. it amazes me that god can send me so many tender mercies. they are the smallest and simplest things but they mean the world to me.  it amazes my how heavnly father knows exactly what i need to brighten my day. im so grateful for tender mercies, especailly when im sad cause that's when i really need it the most.

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