how many lives can you change in 19 short years?? the answer to that... is how are you living your life. this past week my best friends(mareassa lee mayo) cousin Amanda Ann Mayo passed away. amanda was an amazing girl who i barely knew. and what she didnt know is that the hour that we hung out and the 5 minute phone call putting me back into place would change my life forever. amanda was probably one of my biggest heros. you see amanda had it all figured out, or so it seemed. she was so strong and independent. if she wanted to know something she found out for herself. what she believed was really what SHE believed. she didn't let what her parents believed, or anyone else for that matter, change what she thought and knew to be right. i dont know how amanda did it, 18 credit hours in college, working night shifts full time, and still making time for other people. amanda was amazing to anyone who entered into her life. if you knew her you felt special. she made friends with strangers on the street, and that mattered to people. to know that someone cared. even if it was just for a moment. she changed thousands of lives, and maybe because of her they will change thousands of lives. i know im going to try to. you know... it seems so hard.. doing that much school, working full time, and still having a social life.. but im sure amanda made the best of it all, in fact she made it look easy. she went to school, and she went to work. with a smile that never left her face. and as for her social life, that was easy because all she simple did was love people and let them know she cared. i know thats what she did because she did it for me, and she did it for her beautiful cousin. she easily loved people no matter who they were. hearts are heavy with the loss we have had, but im choosing not to remember her by her death, but her life. because amanda mayo has inspired me to be a better person. to be all that i can be and to help others reach their full potential as well. she will truly be missed. alot of people cared about you and we are sorry to see you go, but hope your life lives on. yes you may be gone but i hpe your life lives on in others, becuase we still need you amanda. we love you. R.I.P, and god be with you until we meet again. your in his loving arms now. xoxo
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