Quotes.. They are my LIFE

Sunday, November 6, 2011

how long does it take our lives to change. a year, a month, a day, an hour, maybe one moment. i think anything can change us. no matter how long it takes. especially in high school. in high school everyone is so different, but if you sat down and really got to know the loner in the hall you may find out that they arent that different from you. sure we all have lables that define us, but thats just a lable. who are we really? truth is people are always going to lable you, we just need to learn to over come those lables. because those lables arent going to stick with you forever, unless you let them. truth is once we graduate all the things that people thought about us will be gone. in 6 months and 23 days i will gradutate, i can start over. it'll be harder for the people who need this place to make themselves feel special. people who use high school to build themselves up and then find out that the real world doesn't care so much about who you were in high school. in fact they dont care at all. high school is hard, what people say and do can make it even harder. i often wonder what people think of me. what my "lable" is, because honestly...i dont know what it is myself. which maybe that isnt a bad thing, and its okay not to know what im known as. lately though i have wanted to know because i dont know who i am right now. i feel like im trying to be everyone else. i  just want to be me.

i was thinking about if we really could change the world. can one soul make this place a little bit better, and my answer is no. it takes more then one soul, but it does start with one. you see i dont think we realize how much we really do effect other peoples life. that the small and simple things, those tiny moments can change there life forever. we are who we are for a reason. we say what we say for a reason. if we open our ears, and listen with our heart. we can change lives. we can makes someones life so much better, that they will realize there potential and go on to do great things. all it takes is a few kind words, a helping hand, a silent pray, a simple smile, or just a friend.

truth is we all hurt, and that pain in your chest goes away. sometimes we feel like we are the only one struggling, and it frustrates us. we have to hold on, and face it because one day someone or something will be there to help us. because we could all use a little help sometimes. but happiness isnt far off. in fact sometimes its just around the corner. we just think that it wont be there. that were gonna be miserable forever. so wehen it does come we sometimes dont even realize it. that we feel joy again and are truely happy, and when we do. it makes it so much better.

1 comment:

    I think if you were a boy, I would hope to date you.
    I wish these were my own words, that I could publish somewhere.
    beautiful Lar..
    You are my HERO.
    You make me want to be better every time I get on your blog. Thank you for that. You're an angel in disguise, I KNOW that. That's your label, in my book, and always will be.
