Quotes.. They are my LIFE

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

i just want you to know.. i thought about you alot tonight. mainly about all the times youve hurt me. and i know thats wrong. i know i should just remember the good, but its hard because you hurt me bad. more then once too. i know we had good times, but it makes me wonder if all the tears and fighting and pain were worth it. i dont regret you, and i probably never will. because youve helped me grow up alot. not by your example, but the pain you have added to my life, and the smiles you have added to it too. you know.. people think love is so hard, but its not. love is easy life just makes it seem hard. you see its easy to give all of yourself to someone, its just the things in life that you have to give up that makes it hard. so what it comes down too is i wasnt that person you were willing to sacrafice things for, which is okay. we can all love who we want.. right? i want you to know how grateful i am to have had you in my life. i want you to know that no matter what happens. i just want you happy, even if its not with me. thats hard for me to say becuase of how happy you can make me, but its the truth. i wish nothing but the best for you, and i just needed you to hear that. you truely did have such a big impact on my life, and because of that there will always be a special place in my heart for you. i wanna check up on you, because your my friend and i want things to be good for you. no matter how you get to where your going i hope its what youve always wanted, dreamed, and hoped for. im praying thats what youll get. you deserve it.

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