Quotes.. They are my LIFE

Monday, August 29, 2011

live life through laughter.

today i learned alot about life and love.
i learned that life is too short
life can be full of happiness
and that love is unconditional.

on august 24 2011 a 25 year old daughter of god passed away from brain tumors. this beautiful women's name is lindsey kae robinson karr. despite her condition she was still the brightest and happiest girl you would ever see. she was kind to everyone around her and her love was unconditional.
from what i saw of lindsey she wasnt like anyone else.. she was happy no matter what the circumstances and that happiness was shared with others. even when she was ill she served everyon around her in anyway she could. her love was felt by everyone and in return she was loved as well.
at her funeral i had the opportunity to hear so many people talk about her and all the funny memeroies she made. she seemed to always be making everyone laugh. it was hard not to cry at her funeral cause she will truely be missed by all. it really is as if this world wont be the same without her bright eyes and radient smile. 
not only was she a good example to me, but her husband josh is amazing. her mother-in-law told a story about josh. how when he was four he saw his mom sick and wanted to stay home and take care of her. she told us how it was how he has always been, it was like he was meant to take care of her. she needed him and he needed her. she taught him how to love. she taught him what love is, and how actions speak louder then words. he served her as much as possible, and when it was time to say goodbye he learned he how to love her even more.
today was a sad but good day. the spirit was so strong and i know lindsey will be missed, she is loved, and she will be seen again one day. i can't wait to offically meet her. she changed the lives of many she didn't even know. she is the strongest, happiest, most beautiful girl i have ever seen. her influence on others to do good is so powerful. i want to be like her. i want to live life to the fullest, laugh uncontroablly, and love unconditionally.
"I have been blessed with the ability to see the humor in situations. To be able to laugh and to encourage those with me to laugh. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely days i when i cry as well. Yet i am able to move past the darker, gloomier clouds in my life and see sunshine. life is not so serious that we cant take a moment to enjoy blessings, or experience gratitude, or see the little funny things that happen on a daily basis. search for the erratic, the ironic, and the slapstick comedy of life. because you know what? Laughter truly is the best medicine." - lindsey kae robinson karr.
the thing i want to take most from lindsey is to live life throught laughter. there is never a good reason to be upset or grumpy so be happy.
R.I.P lindsey kae robinson carr
you will be missed.
her husband josh painted this amazing picture of her.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured-Presidnet Gordon B Hinkley

Monday, August 22, 2011

F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S. hahah

"be fearlesss. if you make only one resolution this year, let it be to live boldly. you control this moment. rather than cautiously test the water, dive straight into life with freeing abandon. imagine the person you want to be and the life you want to live, then simply commit to them. believe in yourself. embrace your beauty. discover a new passion. and whatever you do, wherever you go, don't be afraid to make a splash."

this years gonna be differnt. i have new expectations of myself. this year im not gonna care what people think of me im just gonna have fun. its my senior year and i want to live it fearless. often times when i hear the word fearless i think of someone who isnt scared of anything, but thats not true. becasue no one is fearless, we all have something that we are scared of. what it means to be fearless is to have courage. to do something no matter how scared you may be. courage is just fear holding on for a minute longer. something i have learned is we should always do what we are afraid to do. it could be being adventerous, or standing up for what we believe in but you should always do it. i dont want to look back on my life anymore and regret not doing the things i was too scared to do them.

just the other night thanks to my friend mareassa i did something fearless. something that i always wanted to do but thought i never would. it was a real eye opener to how i want this next year to be. its my senior year(my last year as a kid) i want to have fun. i want to make stupid mistakes. date LOTS of people. make new friends. not judge anyone. laugh way too much. cry all too little. forget about all the drama. realize that nothing really matters that much. years from now were gonna look back on all this drama and realize it was stupid and there was no need for it. well im ready for that now. i dont wanna grow up, but after this year i know im gonna have to. i will have fun and i wont let drama get in the way of that. i wont hate someone just because one of my friends does. ill be nice to everyone becuase there is never a good reason to be mean.
im ready to let go of everything and move forward being fearless. i want to be young and stupid because we only have one lifetime to do so. im ready to take chances. ready to say love me or hate me thats your choice, but i won't let it effect me. im ready to love myself, and every single person around me. im ready to not be so shy. im ready for this year. its going to be the best and i wont let anything get in the way of that. im gonna move forward being fearless.

and i dont know how it gets better then this
you take my hand and drag me head first
and i dont know why but with you id dance in a storm
in my best dress

i think a girl who really understands about being fearlesss is taylor swift. she is one amazing girl. i look up to her so much (as do several other teenage girls) . i love her. so this year i dare you to be daring. i dare you to be yourself, and love everyone regardless of what people think. i dare you to be happy. i dare you to live your life the way you want to.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tender Mercies

we are sournded by tender mercies of the lord. they are all around us.
"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverence."
tender mercies are not just coincidence. heavenly father sends them to us at exactly the right tima and exactly the right place. tender mercies are differnt for each of us. a tender mercy is a personaly blessing made individually for us. it is strength to help us through things. or simple reminders that he loves and cares for us. it is a comfort.
well last week during fast and testimony meeting brother don wharton got up and said "are you aware of tender mercies even when it hurts." its true though. when we lose someone we love do we dwell on the loss or the blessing they were to our lives. sometimes it can be hard ot see the positive but heavenly father sends us those tender mercies for a reason. so that when we can barely take anymore that one little thing keeps pushing us forward.
it got me thinking... what are some of my tender mercies.

repenting and being forgiven of sins
a boy i had good memories with who unexpectedly left
my dog who is there whenever i need a friend
driving with the windows down which so easily relieves my stress
friends who are there for me whenever i need a shoulder to cry on
work that takes my mind off things
a family that makes me laugh
the opportunity i have to get an education
going camping and enjoying gods creations around me
getting to know people who came into my life even though they left way too fast
country music that helps me express myself
the dream of one day being a cowgirl

the list goes on and on. it amazes me that god can send me so many tender mercies. they are the smallest and simplest things but they mean the world to me.  it amazes my how heavnly father knows exactly what i need to brighten my day. im so grateful for tender mercies, especailly when im sad cause that's when i really need it the most.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

proud of you

missionary-someone who leaves their families for two years so that others may be with theirs for Eternity.

i just want to say how grateful i am for worthy preisthood holders in my life and all the wonderful boys around be that have been or are going on missions. wednesday morning one of my close friends derek collins leaves to go into the mtc. i am sad, but happy as well. i know he is giong to be a great missionary and bring many people to the knowledge of christ. i went to his farewell and he gave an amazing talk he shared a story that i really enjoyed and i would like to share it as well...

By Elder Troy Whittle,
Texas, Houston Mission
The alarm rings at 6:30; I stumble to my feet.
I grab my companion's bedding and pull off his sheet.
A groan fills the room, is it already time to arise?
It seems like just a second ago I was able to shut my eyes.
The morning activities follow - study, prayer, and such.
When it's time to leave the apartment, you feel you haven't accomplished much.
"We have a super day planned," my comp says with a grin.
I lowly utter a faithless breath, "Yeah, if anyone lets us in."
With the word of God and my faithful Schwinn, we ride off in the street
Prepared to face another day of humidity and heat.
It's 9:30 in the evening, the day is almost through;
My companion and I are riding home, not accomplishing what we thought to do.
We ride up to the mailbox, hoping to receive a lot.
Only to look inside and hear my echo reverberate "Air Box."
We go up to our apartment, the day is now complete.
The only thing to show for our work is a case of blistery feet.
It's past 10:30 PM, my companion is fast asleep.
Silence engulfs me all about and I begin to weep.
In the midst of sadness, I kneel down to pray;
I need to talk to Father, but I'm not sure what to say.
"Oh, Father," I begin, "What happened to us today?
I thought we'd teach somebody, but everyone was away.
My hands, my aching hands - worn, hurt and beat;
If our area was any smaller, we'd have knocked every street."
"Why on missions are the days so much alike?
The only difference about today was the flat tire on my bike.
Will you send some cooler weather? The heat is killing me.
I sweat so bad, it gets in my eyes; It's very hard to see."
"Why do I have to wear a helmet, isn't your protection enough?
People always laugh at me and call me stupid stuff.
Please send us investigators so I may give them what they lack;
I want to give them Books of Mormon, the weight of them hurts my back."
"And what about my family? They don't have much to say,
I'm sick of not hearing from home, day after day after day.
Oh Father, why am I here, am I just wasting time?
Sometimes I just want to go home, I'm sorry but that's on my mind."
"My companion, Heavenly Father, what are you giving me?
The way he rides his bicycle, I don't think he can see.
Now you have it, I can't go on, I don't know what to do;
That, my Father in Heaven, is the prayer I have for You."
My prayer now finished I stand up, then jump right into bed.
I need my rest for tomorrow; we have another long day ahead.
Sleep starts to overtake me, I seem to drift away,
Then it seems a vision takes me to another time and another day.
I'm standing alone on the hill, the view is very nice;
A man walks towards me and says, "My name is Jesus Christ."
Tears of joy well up inside, I fall down to His feet,
"Arise," He states, "Follow Me to the shade - you and I need to speak."
My attention's toward the Savior, total and complete.
He says, "Your mission is similar of what happened to Me,
I understand how you feel, I know what you're going through;
In fact it would be fair to say I've felt the same as you."
"I even know how you felt when no one listened to you.
At times I felt not quite sure what else I could do.
I know you don't like to ride a bicycle, for you a car would be sweet;
Just remember the donkey I rode wasn't equipped with 21 speeds."
"I understand you don't like sweating, in fact it's something you hate;
I remember when I sweat blood from every pore, oh the agony was great!
I see you don't like your companion - you'd rather have someone else.
I once had a companion named Judas who sold my life for wealth."
"It's hard to wear a helmet and have people make fun of you.
I remember when they put thorns on my head and called me King of the Jews.
So you feel burdened down by the weight of your pack.
I recall how heavy the cross was when they slammed it on my back."
"Your hands hurt from tracting and knocking on doors all day.
I guess when they pounded nails into mine, I ached in a similar way.
It's hard not to hear from home when your family's not there to see;
I lost my communication on the cross and cried, "Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me."
He embraced me with His arms, His light filled me with His love,
With tears in my eyes I watched as He went back to the Father above.
I stood with awe and wonder when a beep rang in my head,
I listened and heard the alarm, then realized I was in my bed.
My companion let out a groan, "6:30 already, no way!"
I sat up and said, "Come on, I'll even carry your scriptures today!"
No matter what we go through, when we feel we can't take more,
Just stop and think about Jesus Christ, He has been there before.

sometimes i dont think we realize how much really has been and is sacraficed for this church. christ suffered a great deal for us and i will always be grateful that i can use the atonement becuase of him
it isn't easy being a  missionary yet its the best two years of most young mens lifes. sometimes the hardest things in life mean the most to us. i can garuntee though that the sacrifice is worth it. "if Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him."-C.T. Studd  i love this quote because its so true. if Jesus can suffer for all of our sins then i can sure do anything i can to repay him. i am just thankful for the boys in my life doing that or who have done that.

Elder Derek Scott Collins... Imma miss you! thanks for being such a good friend. work just isnt the same without you. gonna miss all the fun times we had, cant wait to make more memories in two years. thanks for being such a good example and listening when i needed someone to listen. thanks for the advice you gave, and the jokes you cracked. ill write you, and draw you pictures and such... cant wait to see you in two years. miss ya already. - laur.

someone else im also very proud of.. Austin Wood. he is now in the marines and i just got my first letter from him a few days ago. very grateful for boys like him willing to go out and serve/protect our country. it is not easy. they need the best so training is hard. i look up to him for what he is doing. i came across a poem the other day that reminded me of him..

If I ever go to war
If I ever go to war Mom, Please don’t be afraid.
There are some things I must do, To keep the promise that I made.
I’m sure there will be some heartache, And I know that you’ll cry tears,
But your son is a Soldier now, Mom, There is nothing you should fear.
If I ever go to war Dad, I know that you’ll be strong.
But you won’t have to worry, Cause you taught me right from wrong.
You kept me firmly on the ground, yet still taught me how to fly.
Your son is a Soldier now Dad, I love you Hooah, Even if I die.
If I ever go to war Bro, There are some things I want to say.
You’ve always had my back, and I know it’s my time to repay.
You’ll always be my daybreak, through all of life’s dark clouds,
Your brother is a Soldier now, Bro, I promise I’ll make you proud.
If I ever go to war Sis, don’t you worry bout me,
I always looked out for you, but I can't do that anymore,
Cause I'm a big bro to all in America.
I love you so much and you know that, Your brothers a soldier now Sis,
So wipe your eyes, I'll be fine even if I die.
If I ever go to war my Friends, We’ll never be apart,
Though we may not meet again, I’ll hold you in my heart.
Remember all the times we had, Don’t let your memories cease,
Your friend is a Soldier now, Dear Friend, And I’ll die to bring you peace.
And when I go to heaven, And see that pearly gate,
I’ll gladly decline entrance, Then stand my post and wait.
I’m sorry Sir I can’t come in, I’m sort of in a bind,
You see I’m still a Soldier Sir, So I can’t leave them behind.

we really do recieve so much service from the young men in our days. either it s a mission or serveing the country either way im very gratful. love you aust and derek!!! thanks for all you do to help me. you boys are like brothers. you mean the world to me.